I’m no writer, and really I’m not much for answering or asking questions on Quora, but I love to read it.  I could easily go down the rabbit hole and spend all day reading questions and answers on here.  It seems like everyone is a master at something.  I’m sure I could be helpful in some area, but I just feel like I wouldn’t be quite as helpful as everyone else out there. 

This brings me to ask, why would Quora start blogs.  It actually makes me feel like I could contribute without being put on the spot and being graded.  I’m allowed to be a little wrong or not know everything, but still contribute my opinion or possible answers that could be used by someone.  I’m not ready to dive in to using this as my only blogging avenue, but my mind is racing with possibilities of how to take advantage of the platform and audience.  That’s what I think Quora really offers is a focused audience that always has the right answer. 

My ideas still need a little focusing, but one thing I thought of is to use this as a way to start my football coaching blog.  I think there are things I could offer in this area if the football coaching audience was a little more tech savvy.  Again, its not that I have all the answers, but I’d love to make myself available in this area and learn about it at the same time.  So we’ll see where it goes, but I’m excited about the possibilities that Quora Blogs offer.

cross posted from my new Quora Blog https://oneniner.quora.com/