Just went on a run with a co-worker today, I thought I was getting into shape, but he really kicked my butt.  It reminded me why I only ran with him once last year and gave up until I fell for it again this year.  I've been training for a 5 mile run at Boys Town on Memorial Day.  Last year Amy, her dad, and I ran the hilly, 5 mile course in a little over 47 minutes.  We were pretty happy with that, but when I did't run for another 8 months after that I decided I should get in shape for it this year.  Especially since I'm planning on riding the full week of RAGBRAI this summer too.  So I found a 10K training program and then adjusted it a little for 5 miles instead of 6.2, Amy and I have gotten up to running 10 mile weeks with our longest run being 4.5 miles so far.  This Saturday we reach the peak of our training at 5 miles.   I thought it was going to be a tough week, but I didn't realize a co-worker was going to take me out for a 4 mile run at an 8 minute pace on my 2 mile day.  I was hoping for a relaxing 2 mile run to get me ready for the long run on Saturday.  Now that it's 2 hours later and I'm just starting to recover I realize my 10 mile week just turned into 12.  I guess I should be a little more ready than I was last year after running about 4 miles a week on a treadmill.

I've been tracking most of my runs on my iPod with Nike+ and felt like trying to display them here.  So here's what it says so far.  That has helped to motivate me, I enjoy knowing my pace and having a record of my runs without have to write them down or get a fancy gps watch. 

The P90X workouts have been struggling a little for me since I started running more.  I've had trouble getting 2 in a week.  Which I guess is a ton better than I was doing a couple months ago, but I may not look like Tony now.  But who knows maybe I'll drop about 40 pounds in the next 3-4 weeks and get pretty cut.  Then I would have to get new biking shorts that are smaller and resize my tux for the wedding, I don't know if it's worth all that extra work.  Amy did want to marry me for who I am, so I should be happy with it too.  🙂

RAGBRAI is quickly approaching, I'm getting so excited for it.  I've hung out at a couple overnights every year, but never actually rode in it.  Last year we met some friends and went about 10 miles, but I wouldn't really consider that riding RAGBRAI.  This year I'll find out what it's really like.  I had kinda talked myself into it, then found out the overnight towns and got really excited.  One of them is Indianola, the home of the Simpson College Storm.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in that town.  I was also happy to see it's going through Ottumwa.  My sister lives in Ottumwa now, so that should be fun.  Plus I know people for college through most of the towns, so I'm sure I'll come across some old friends.  It'll be interesting since I don't know how to pack or what to expect for the rides, but I think I'm ready for it.  Is anybody else planning on riding?  I'd really enjoy meeting up with you and hanging out a little.