Get ready for the battle of the season as our very own softball all-stars, “Keep It Gully” take on the “Grass Stains”, aka Team Burlington this Thursday, 9:30p.m. at the Kelly Complex, 124th and Fort Sts.
Both teams have been working hard to get ready for the season opener.   Keep it Gully’s team manager, Daniel Boyd is confident that the team is more than ready for the challenges that lie ahead, “ What you will see from this team is compromised of the Gulliest material and will change the way softball is played forever,” says Boyd.

Team Grass Stains is also very optimistic and has even put in a couple of practice sessions already. However one member of Team Grass Stains admits they are still feeling out their strategy, “We haven’t found out who our “heavy hitters” are yet.  I’m probably the heaviest, but I don’t know about the hitting part,” comments Grass Stain, Nolan Carson.

Both teams have their own opinions on who will dominate the game and take the win. “I don’t know if this Burlington team is aware that this is softball. The way I see them prancing around the building, they would be more suitable joining a ballet group,” says one anonymous source.    Grass Stain, Carson is fired up and extends a challenge to Keep it Gully, “Yeah, you guys are so “gully”…Bring it!”  Boyd says Team Keep it Gully will not be intimidated by threats, “We fear no one!!!!” Boyd retorts, “Now, excuse us while we get back to our brutal training regimen.”
Good luck to both teams and may the best team win!