Amy and recently got introduced to the P90X videos and decided that it would be a good time for us to get started working out consistantly.  We were thinking, we'd both like to be in a little better shape for the wedding.  And we have about 5 months now to get there.  We also ran in a 5 mile run at Boys Town last year and I just assumed we were going to do it again, so what better time.  Additionaly, I decided that I would like to do RAGBRAI.  The whole 12 miles I did last year got me excited enough to get a bike and actually train this year, so I can get the full experience this year.  So P90X is the first step, 10K training will overlay nicely to add some cardio on week 4, then the 10K training will mesh into the RAGBRAI training which will all peak in mid July, giving me roughly 2-3 weeks to get back out of shape for the wedding and honeymoon.  I think that's a good senario though.

So once we got interested in P90X a friend of mine said he, his wife, and a bunch of friends from church had done the workout and loved it.  So he decided to get a blog started that we could all check-in on to motivate each other and share stories.  This was a great idea to me, since I need a little motivation once in a while.  I usually rely on Amy, don't get me wrong, she does a great job, but this was good for both of us.  So here's the blog we set up…   I'm going to try to share my posts between both blogs, I hope it doesn't get confusing.

So the idea of the blog isnt' really a bet or competition, although I'm sure there is a little of that going on.  The main goal is to use the sharing of others to motivate ourselves to stick with the workout, because as Tony says, "The X is for Extreme".  It is definately that sometimes.  We're going to share some of our workout habits, favorite quotes, funny stories, & then gripe about how sore we are.  Then at the end, I'm sure there will be success stories on how great we feel and proud of each other, atleast I hope so.


Here's my post from today after day 2:

So we've finished day 2 and I'm pretty sore already. It's weird my arms are sore from day 1, but I won't notice it until weird times. I've never felt sore turning off the hot & cold water at the same time on the sink before. 🙂 My legs are a little sore, but I'm sure tomorrow, I wont' be able to walk.

I love Tony's quotes. Sometimes its hard for me to remember them, I tell myself I should write them down as soon as I hear them, but I usually forget. "Her name's Pam, they call her BLAM!" It makes me just yell "BLAM!" when they show her. There's another good one about not getting bored, but I forget it.

I was proud of myself for getting a pull-up bar installed in time for day 1. It's kinda makeshift, but it works. I'll have to get some pictures up to show our workout area. I'm interested to hear/see where everybody else is doing their workouts.

Anybody doing the official P90X diet? "What's your soup?" Amy and I are trying to eat healthy and referred to the diet, but I think you'd have to have a full time dietician to figure out all the portions if you were going to follow it strictly. I had my first bad temptation yesterday, somebody at work brought in this luscious looking pink sprinkle cake with fluffy frosting, it was so hard. I had to walk by it everywhere I went, I'm glad it's not there today.

I keep thinking of random stuff that I haven't mentioned on here, we did all of our before measurments the other day, it'll be fun to see the differences at the end.