I've been deciding how I want to approach this for far too long. So I figured it's time to hit the ground running. I have so many ideas, that I would probably never be able to do all of them, but I want to do the best I can. We'll just have to see what happens. I want to create a go to place for coaches of all levels to come for ideas on coaching philosophy, drills, documentation and eventually maybe a system to help manage the off the field activities that none of us are real fond of.
The blog will be a wide variety of everything coaching. Much of it will be focused on football, but I have also coached soccer and baseball. As well as playing basketball, track, soccer, baseball, & football. I also have many family members and close friends that coach at all levels and sports. I hope to get guest posts from them as well. Which leads me to the part that is new for me; podcasting.
I hope to have a weekly podcast with someone I coach with. We want to keep things under an hour and approach all things coaching and football on a weekly basis in anywhere from 15 minute to 1 hour sessions. We plan to have guests and to take live interaction from Twitter.
The official blog address for now will be coach.oneniner.com, my twitter handle will be @thecoachcarson, I can also be reached at coachcarson at oneniner dot com or through voicemail at 619-ONE-NINER (619-663-6463). We'd love to have your interaction through comments, twitter mentions, or email.
from Coach Carson