We had our first softball game of the season yesterday.  It didn’t go too bad, I think we’ll have a good season for that team.  It’s a Sunday night league that lasts through August I think.  So it’s a pretty long season, but should be fun if we win some games.  We lost like 12-11 after giving up 6 runs in the top of the first.  Once we got the hang of it, we played real well.  Both of our pitchers did well and we played pretty solid defense.  Both the guys and the girls can hit well, so it’ll be fun to see how things go.  The team is made of of co-workers of a friend of mine.  I’m also looking forward to getting a chance to get to know them better too.

The other team could be a different story.  We’re playing on Thursday nights and it’s a combination of our work teams from last year.  We’ve heard the Thursday night league is pretty competitive and to be honest, I’m not sure how good we’ll be.  We have some athletes, I just know we struggled a little last year, but that was before we combined teams, so we’ll see.

My bat died at the end of last year, so I picked up a $40 replacement from Dick’s the other day.  It was actually cheaper at Target online or Walmart, but I had a gift card.  Anyways, the point of this was to say, if your semi-serious about softball, never buy a $40 bat and think that the bat doesn’t matter.  I honestly think it took about 50 ft off of one of my hits yesterday, granted it would’ve gone right to the outfielder, but still.  So I’m looking for another bat now, I’d like to get a Demarini, but we’ll see.

Amy played well, she’s really getting the hang of softball.  She’s still a little nervous going into games, but plays well.  She just needs to be a little more confident.  It’s fun playing sports and being competitive with her, it gives me someone to ramble to about how I messed up and left runners on when I flied out to the pitcher.  Darn, that run would’ve been nice in the final score, anyways, we’re looking forward to a fun year.