Forget opening day at Wrigley Field, Yankee Stadium or Fenway Park. The real excitement came last Thursday when the Burlington Grass Stains softball team hit the field for their season opener against AOK, “Keepin’ it Gully.” Complete with matching t-shirts (thanks to Kelly Murkins and Ashley Blue!), the team looked simply adorable skipping out onto the field on a gorgeous summer evening!

The Grass Stains had their work cut out for them. AOK came to the field with a fire in their eyes. The Grass Stains came with beer.

– Andy Grier and Mike Borcher shared pitching duties for the team while Nolan’s fiancé, Amy, was the catcher. Amy was heard to say during one point in the game, “I wish we could find at least ONE good pitcher for the team.”
– Brain Galloway played in the outfield and, after missing a pop fly, said, “The music was too loud, the sun was in my eyes and I was too busy on my laptop fixing my ITunes account.”
– Michelle Leas and Tyler Hughes were in the outfield. Tyler was blushing because of Michelle’s “colorful” language.
– Mike Borcher’s son, Matt, played first base while Matt’s girlfriend, Mary Beth, played third. They were just adorable!
– Ashley Blue held court on second base. She kept the referee honest.
– Dan Bourne was the shortstop and inaugurated the season and the team’s name by earning a grass stain when he flew through the air and made a spectacular catch.
– “Coach” Nolan Carson rotated among the positions, but spent most of the time just yelling at people.
– Lindsay Felberg played right field and was the team’s designated power-hitter.

Even with all that talent, the Grass Stains were up against a mighty opponent. Led by Jessica “Red Velvet” Miller, the AOK team boasts several 2008 summer softball CHAMPIONS and some darn good players. According to Coach Carson, “We lost, but we’re not quite sure by how much. We think we scored 12 points, but they either had 17 or 19. I have a headache.”

When asked for a quote about the game, Andy Grier commented, “I don’t like to talk about losing. I guess it comes from being passed up at the orphanage so many times as a child.”

(compliments of the BCG Marketing Department, Posted on company intranet site)